
Good health depends on having a proper nerve supply and blood supply to all areas of the body. Osteopaths achieve this by a variety of means.

Nerve supply is often interrupted by some sort of joint restriction which can be released by the familiar crack but there are other ways equally useful. I use gentle means such as cranial osteopathy and positional release.

As important, but often neglected, is blood supply and circulation. For this soft tissue techniques like clinical massage and lymphatic drainage come into their own.

All these are only effective when coupled with a proper assement to establish the best course of treatment. All patients are properly assessed and so, whether you are concerned about general stress or something more specific, this means you don't just get a massage, you get a treatment.

To find out more about osteopathy, please visit our Chiswick Osteopathic Clinic website.

All osteopaths are registered with the General Osteopathic Council.

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